Sergey Medvedev (bron)

Maurice Green (bron)

Sofia Rondelli, Preghiera per un'oca morente (aquarel) (bron)

Darren Waterston, City on the Edge (olieverf op hout) (bron)

Darren Waterston, Bat Contemplating (olieverf op houten paneel) (bron)

Anita West, Red Hills (mengtechniek op linnen) (bron)

Lia Melia, Ancient Seas (Painting - Powdered Pigments And Solvent Paints On Aluminium) (bron)

Randall David Tipton, Spider Rock-Canyon de Chelley (watermedia on paper) (bron)

Randall David Tipton, Wetlands Somewhere (Redux oil on Yupo) (zelfde bron)

Kevin Sonmor (bron)

Hu Jun Di (bron)

Fernando Pietropoli, Spring on lake Garda (bron)

Nancy Barch, Three Figures (acrylic and collage elements on paper) (bron)

Nancy Barch, A hollow Feeling (bron)

Erna De Vries (bron)

Joanna Bruessow, Aussicht (ink on transparant film) (bron)

Joanna Bruessow, Erreichbar - Unerreichbar I, achievable - unachievable I (ink and acrylic on drafting and reflective film) (zelfde bron)

Andrea Benson, IEA (left) + Diane Bowie Zaitlin, NEW (right), Weather Report, Diptych (wax painting) (bron)

Gretchen Papka, Tera Incognita (bron)

Jylian Gustlin (bron)

Nathaniel Mather, Bird and Tree (bron)

Yun-Fei Ji, The Move of Badong (bron)

Yun-Fei Ji, The empty City, East Wind (zelfde bron)

David Brewster, Tarpean Rock (bron)

David Brewster, Rolling road, Oxen pulling Hogs Sheats of Tobacca (zelfde bron)

Inna Tsukakhina (bron)

Simon Goinard, Dmeter 1-0 (digital painting) (bron)

Simon Goinard, Crossing (digital painting) (bron)

Natasha Newton, The exquisite Melancholy (acrylic on deep-edge canvas) (source)

Natasha Newton, Patchwork Hills 5 (acrylic on deep-edge canvas) (source)

Aitor Renteria (source)

Roger Lane (source)

Ed Mell (source)

Jesse Reno (source)

Jesse Reno (source)

Susan Fisher, Celebration (mixed media) (source)

David Vasquez, Autumn Reflexion (source)

Josef Kote (source)

Daniel Castan (oil on canvas) (source)

Andrew Aranyshev (source)

Marti Somers, Chopestick (source)

Marti Somers, Land of Spirit (same source)

Mykola Zhuravel, Messenger (source)

Mykola Zhuravel (source)

Matteo Cocci (source)

Venancio Shinki, Constelaciones (óleo sobre trupán) (source)

Victoria Crowe (source)

Chuck Gumpert, Figuration (oil & mixed media) (source)

Yoshimura Seiji, Exhibition Hall Aquarium (source)

Mori Midori, Colours for Evening Twilight (source)

Elwood Howell, Four blue Stones (acrylic on linen) (source)

Quentin Dupuy (source)

Teil Duncan (source)
