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Blog of Art7D.be page 3


What's new on Art7D.be?


Blog categories:

  • My own works
  • New in photography
  • New in Virtual Museum
  • News
  • and others...




Parts of Art7D.be

Part 1

In Virtual Museum we try to find the very best of contemporary art on the internet, art that can touch our feelings, from artists all over the world. With links to the source to promote the artists.

Part 2

In the History of Modern Art the different artists are compared by decades. With a lot of illustrations.

Part 3

Abstract art by Johan Framhout

Part 4

Figurative art by Johan Framhout

Part 5

Photography by Johan Framhout, Gerda Abts and Jens Van Den Bergh

Part 6

Music: Gerda Abts and the mandolin

Part 7

Literature: poems by Johan Framhout (2 novels only in Dutch)


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Johan Framhout 's works are also on Deviantart and Renderosity

Find Johan Framhout on other sites:

on facebook

on tumblr

on deviantart

on renderosity

op pinterest


History of modern art has been written before the computer age, with the help of information from hundreds of art books.

On Virtual Museum one can find hundreds of links.

Art by Johan Framhout on:




This site is connected to gevoeligesnaar.be

Friends with

Woudnimf, walks and storytelling (only in Dutch)

Thombeau blogspot



Search links:

Web archive of ".uk" domains 


Johan Framhout has two tumblr-lists:

List of his own new works - link

Wowwart, Favorits from other tumblr's - link


Pinterest lists by Johan Framhout:

extra-oooh-art, all contemporary extraordinary art

Sensitive String Instruments, String instruments, music instruments, the beauty of it, the special ones, and my passion for mandolin

Arch, - Gothic, round..., All kind of archs, in architecture, new as well as old, and in nature

Mandalas in Art, Architecture & Nature

Weird Plants & Animals, All kinds of weird animals and plants in art, photography, paintings, architecture...

Reflexions - Mirroring, Reflexions in water, glass, mirrors...

Organs, Non-smoking Pipes, About organs, small and large, western or eastern...

Towers, the Babylon Fever, Towers in art & architecture

Windows - not a computer program, All kind of windows, on paintings or just real

Lanterns, let there be Light!, Beautiful lanterns of all kind, lanterns in art, strange light sources

e-motions, emotions in art, Emotions in all kind of arts

Add most Spheres, The most beautiful spheres in art, witch a certain atmosphere or mood

Mind the Gap, Everythings that gaps, on photography and other visual arts

Above our head, Don't forget to look up sometimes

Strange vehicles, Vehicles of all kind, seen as art pieces or depicted in art. From oldtimers to pure fantasy

Gaia's beauty - Unforgetable landscapes and nature scenes, Beautiful photography of landscapes and scenes from everywhere which are in some way very special and also very beautiful

Just in Time, Clocks in art and art in clocks

Landshapes - contemporary landscape painting, Wonderful landscapes painted by contemporary artists. All kind of visual art: oil, acrylic, watercolour, digital, 3D...

Chess Art, Wonderful and special chess games, the games itself or on paintings

Contrast, Paintings or other visual art in which is a remarkable contrast between whatever

Books - are not dying, books in art - not art in books!

Vases - the vessels of emptiness, About vases: on paintings, ceramics, glass vases, vase sculptures, or just the vases itself


9 June 2015

New at photography

Photos from flowers in close-up have been fully reconstructed. On the three pages, the 21 flowers have been replaced by more then hundred in a larger resolution. Most recent are the flourishing cacti from an open garden day at Brasschaat, to find at the start of page one. (link)

Flourishing cacti

Flourishing cacti







4 juni 2015

My new abstract works

My new abstract works: "Nautilia" and "City Sniffer" (link)

My new abstract works: "Nautilia"


My new abstract works: "City Sniffer"

29 May 2015

New at photography

Photos of Lier were put together on page 1. Some photos have been added.
On 'Photos of Belgium' - Lier (link)

Lier stadhuis


Lier stadhuis - interieur

27 May 2015

New at photography

Is the page Art route Nijlen & Kampenhout, belongs to 'Photos of art in Belgium' (link)

pagina Kunstroute Nijlen & Kampenhout, bij 'Foto's van kunst in België'


pagina Kunstroute Nijlen & Kampenhout, bij 'Foto's van kunst in België'


pagina Kunstroute Nijlen & Kampenhout, bij 'Foto's van kunst in België'

26 May 2015

New photos biennial of ceramics Andenne

All pages as well as photos from Andenne are remade.
For each page a specific year: 2008, 2010, 2012 and 2015 on page 4 (link)

New photos biennial of ceramics Andenne


New photos biennial of ceramics Andenne

21 May 2015

My new 3D art

My new 3D art: "Glass Lantern Sculptures" (link)

My new 3D art: "Glass Lantern Sculptures", , by Johan Framhout

14 May 2015

My new 3D art

My new 3D art: "Spherical Chessmen" (link)

My new 3D art: "Spherical Chessmen"

9 May 2015

My new 3D art

My new 3D art: "Broken Promises" (link)

My new 3D art: "Broken Promises"

6 May 2015

My new 3D art

My new 3D art: "Limited World Chess"(link)

My new 3D art: "Limited World Chess"

4 May 2015

My new 3D art

My new 3D art: "Luminous Chessmen" (link)

My new 3D art: "Luminous Chessmen"

29 April 2015

My new abstract works

My new abstract works: "Corona" en "Moods" (link)

Corona, digital abstract painting by Johan Framhout


Moods, digital abstract painting by Johan Framhout

27 April 2015

My new abstract works

My new abstract works: "Tropical Fish", "Standing Stones" en "Scripture" (link)

Tropical Fish , digital painting by Johan Framhout


Standing Stones, digital painting by Johan Framhout


Scripture, digital painting by Johan Framhout

22 April 2015

My new work

My new figurative painting: "Crystal Mountains Village" (link)

Dorp in de Kristalbergen

20 April 2015

New photos Jens VDB

New series of photos added on page 3 of Saint Petersburg. (link)

Saint Petersburg


Finish Gulf "Sea walkers"

17 April 2015

My new abstract works

My new abstract works: "Transition" en "Painting Game"(link)



Painting Game

10 April 2015

My new abstract works

My new abstract works: "To be or not to be a Window", "Lacyness", "Portal" and "Sunny Beach" (link)




14 April 2015

New photos of Antwerp

New photos from the zoo of Antwerp on page 5 (link)



10 April 2015

My new abstract works

My new abstract works: "Gemmiferous A, B & C" (link)

Gemmiferous A, digital painting by Johan Framhout


Gemmiferous B, digital painting by Johan Framhout


Gemmiferous C, digital painting by Johan Framhout

3 April 2015

My new work

My new figurative painting: "If Gold and Gems become Gravel" (link)

If Gold and Gems become Gravel

27 March 2015

My new work

My new figurative work: "Wheel Temple in a Forest" (link)

Wheel Temple in a Forest

20 March 2015

My new work

My new figurative work: "Spring" (link)


13 March 2015

My new abstract work

My new abstract work: "Abstract Flower Field" (link)

My new abstract work: "Abstract Flower Field"

12 March 2015

My new work

My new figurative work: "Dream Flash of a crystal Temple" (link)

Nieuw eigen figuratief werk: "Droomflits van een kristallen Tempel"

9 March 2015

New photos by J.F.

New photos have ben added on photography, Antwerp,
on the page 3 (Carolus Borromeus and MAS - link) and page 8 (beguinage of Antwerp - link).

Carolus Borromeus




beguinage Antwerp

4 March 2015

My new work

My new figurative work: "Crystal Mountains" (link)

Nieuw eigen figuratief werk: "Kristalbergen"

25 February 2015

My new work

My new abstract work: "Ethereal Seraph J10" (link)

Ethereal Seraph J10

19 February 2015

Nieuw eigen werk

My new abstract work: "Ethereal Seraph G9" (link)

Ethereal Seraph G9

17 February 2015

My new work

My new abstract works: "Ethereal seraphs" (click on the thumbnails on the page
digital art by JF for a larger version)

series "Ethereal seraphs"


series "Ethereal seraphs"


series "Ethereal seraphs"


series "Ethereal seraphs"

13 February 2015

My new work

My new abstract work: Precious Gravel B25 (link) and Precious Gravel C19 (link)

Precious Gravel B25


Precious Gravel C19

12 February 2015

My new work

My new abstract work: Seven (link to larger resolution)

Seven, abstract painting by JOhan Framhout

10 February 2015

My new work

My new work: Treedom, a matte painting (link to larger resolution)

naar Treedom, matte painting van Johan Framhout

8 February 2015

New at Virtual Museum

New works were added on the pages 52, 53, 57, 60, 64, 66, 68, 72, 75, 76, 78, 79, 82, 84, 86, 87, 88, 89. New are the pages 90 en 91, with the chapters "Interiors III" and "Surrealism VII".

4 February 2015

My own works

New works of mine, abstract digital paintings,
painted on the electronic tablet (link to larger versions):

Feast of Veins by JF


Gap Mind by JF


Levels by JF


Marble Landscape by JF


Oblong by JF


Opening by JF


Standing by JF


Thor by JF

1 February 2015

My new work

My new work is a digital painting called "Golden Land" (link)

Golden Land, digital painting

25 januari 2015

My new work

Is a digital painting, inspired on the ruins of Villers-la-Ville (link)


21 January 2015

New at music

On the page photos on gevoeligesnaar 5 photos are added form the concert last sunday in the little white church of Terheijden (Breda). Further down, beneath the photos of the concert in Millegem, three links are placed to films of the music by Boismortier. (link)
The page concert calender has been made up to date.

concert Terheijden


concert Millegem church

21 January 2015

New at photography

a pge was added with photos from Taiwan by Jens Van Den Bergh, page 4.
Fromal page 4 (South Korea 2) became page 5, page 5 became page 6. (link)

foto's van Taiwan van Jens Van Den Bergh


foto's van Taiwan van Jens Van Den Bergh

19 January 2015

My new work

My new work, a digital painting (link)

Stairs to another world

19 January 2015

New game added

A new game is added on the page games, Rhomb chess.
Also other things are added on this page. (link)


10 January 2015

New at Virtual Museum

New works added to the pages 52, 57, 60, 64, 67, 68, 72, 75, 76, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88 and 89. Some examples in smaller format:

Traditional painting (link)

Traditioneel schilderen


Digital painting (link)

Digitaal schilderen


Matte painting (link)

Matte painting


3D art (link)



fractal art (link)


7 January 2015

My 2 new works

My new works, one digital painting and 3D

Growing Light (link)


Shadow Dance (link)


20 December 2014

My new 2D work

"Gothic Lace", matte-painting (link)

"Gothic Lace", matte-painting

18 december 2014

New at Virtual Museum

New works where added on the pages 52, 57, 60, 64, 66, 67, 71, 72, 75, 78, 83 and 84
New are the pages 85, 86, 87 and 88.

New in the chapter "Abstract" (link)

Nieuw in de rubriek "Abstract"


New in the chapter "Cityscapes" (link)

Nieuw in de rubriek "Cityscapes"


New in the chapter "Were people, animals and plants look different" (link)

Nieuw in de rubriek "Waar mensen, planten en dieren anders zijn"


New in the chapter "Between abstract and figurative" (link)

Nieuw in de rubriek "Tussen abstract en figuratief"

15 December 2014

My new 3D work

"Baubles" is a 3D art work with our new year wishes for 2015 (link)

Baubles, New year wishes 2015

9 December 2014

My new figurative work

"Forest light" is a digital painting (link)

Boslicht (Johan Framhout)

6 December 2014

My new abstract work

Two new art works: "Close & distant" (link) and "Sixfold" (link). Also to reach from the thumbnails on the page digital art by JF (link).

Close & distant



30 November 2014

New 3D art work

Spheres with primitive Life Forms (Johan Framhout) (link)

Spheres with primitive Life Forms (Johan Framhout)

22 November 2014

New at Virtual Museum

Ninety new works are added on the pages 41, 45, 52,57, 60, 64, 66, 67, 70, 71, 72, 74, 75, 76, 78, 79, 81, 82 en 83. Page 84 is new, the continuation of page 65 with trees as subject.

Chapter "Trees" (link)


Chapter "Harbours & Boats" (link)

Chapter "Harbours & Boats"


Chapter "Interiors" (link)

Chapter "Interiors"


Chapter "Women, Portraits & Symbols" (link)

Chapter "Women, Portraits & Symbols"

17 November 2014

New at Photography

Photos from Taiwan & Korea by Jens Van Den Bergh. (link)


photos of Taiwan & Korea


photos of Taiwan & Korea

Korea (second visit)

photos of Taiwan & Korea


 photos of Taiwan & Korea

8 November 2014

New digital painting

New digital painting by Johan Framhout: The Abbey's Treasure (link)

New digital painting by Johan Framhout: The Abbey's Treasure

8 November 2014

New at Photography

Photos from Frankenland (Germany) by Gerda Abts & Johan Framhout on 5 pages (link)

p1 Würzburg & Residenz

Würzburg, Marienburg

Würzburg  Residenz


p2 Stadjes langs de Main

stadhuis Ochsenfurt


p3 Rothenburg an der Tauber

Rothenburg an der Tauber


p4 Muzikale rococotuinen van Veitshochheim & vesting Marienburg van Würzburg

Muzikale rococotuinen van Veitshochheim


p5 Op de terugweg: Limburg

Limburg dom

20 October 2014

Two new 3D art works by Johan Framhout, made in Bryce. Two views on a chess game in a complete different style, based on pyramids. (link)

pyramid chess set

pyramid chess set 2

15 October 2014

New 3D art work by Johan Framhout, made again in Bryce. As a new piece of art for the page of
3D art (link) as well as illustration on the page "art of chess". On that page also shogi and children chess games have been added (link).

world chess

11 October 2014

New 3D work by Johan Framhout, this time made in the program Cinema 4D, with some postwork in Photoshop. (link)

Sculptured Marble Caves

10 October 2014

New concerts with Gerda Abts

Gerda Abts is performing in two new projects: one in cooperation with the Antwerps barokensemble and one together with Marina Eckhardt. Together with the Antwerps barokensemble she has concerts on Sunday 7 December 2014 (Ranst) and on Sunday 15 February 2015. Together with Marina Eckhardt she has concert on 18 January 2015 at Terheijden (Breda). See concertkalender of Gerda Abts.

concert Gerda Abts

(photo Gerda Abts)

9 October 2014

New at Photography

Photos from Karelia by Jens Van Den Bergh (link)




1 oktober 2014

Johan Framhout constructed a new series of mandalas with help of the program Ultrafractal. 12 works where put on this site. (link) Three smaller examples:

Drops of Heaven mandala


Fading Star mandala


Lotus in Lotus mandala

1 October 2014

New at Photography

Photos from Antwerp where added, for exemple the interior and the museum of the Saint Paul church, the puppet theatre, new photos from top of the MAS... The number of pages has been reduced to nine. On the last pages the number of photos is lower to make it easier in the future to add new photos. (link to p 1) Some examples made smaller:




28 September 2014

New at Virtual Museum

New works have been added to the pages 41, 52, 53, 57, 60, 65, 67, 68, 70, 71, 72, 74, 75, 76, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83. Page 83 is mend for "Women: portraits and symbols IX",
the continuation of page 77. Pagina 82 is new and competely dedicated to fractal art. Here some smaller examples:

From the chapter "Between abstract and figurative" (link)

Uit de rubriek "Tussen abstract en figuratief"


From the chapter "Between abstract and surrealism: fractal constructions" (link)

Uit de rubriek "Tussen abstract en surrealisme: fractalconstructies"


From the chapter "Surrealism V" (link)

Uit de rubriek "Surrealisme V"

26 September 2014

New at Photography

Photos from Brugge (Bruges) where added on the same five pages: link.
There is also a small story: the history of the black swan.
Here are two smaller photos:


18 September 2014

New at Photography

The photos of Brussels are completely renewed on the same two pages. Instead of the former nine photos, there are now 90 photos, with special attention to the Art Nouveau in Brussels, however not finished. Some of the photos are to be viewed in a larger resolution by clicking on them. (link) Here are two smaller examples:


18 August 2014

New at Virtual Museum

New works have been added on the pages 65, 70, 74, 75 en 77. The pages 80 and 81 are new and are the continuation of the chapters "Symmetrical art II" and "Magical painters II". Some examples in a smaller resolution:

Aron Wiesenfeld (link)


Sand Snowman (link)


Robert Venosa (link)


Janhein Grimmelt (link)


Robby (link)

23 July 2014

New at Photography

New chapter with photos of Saint Sint-Petersburg and surroundings by Gerda Abts and her son Jens Van Den Bergh. Special are Peterhof, Oranienbaum as well as interiors from the St Isaac cathedral and the Spas-na-Krovi. Many of the photos can be seen larger if one click on them.

Peterhof surpasses Versailles (link)


Oranienbaum (link)


Interior of the St Isaac cathedral (link)


Spas-na-krovi (same link)


Novgorod (link)

8 July 2014

New on Virtual Museum

New works have been added on the pages 44, 45, 50, 52, 55, 58, 60, 64, 65, 66, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75. New are the pages 76, 77, 78 and 79 for extension op full chapters. Below some examples of added works in a smaller resolution:

page 76 (link)


page 77 (link)


page 78 (link)


page 71 (link)


page 72 (link)

30 June 2014

New in Photography

Photos from Jens Van Den Bergh's trip to the Caucasus, 4 pages. (link) (Go to the next pages with by click on the arrow on bottom.) A few smaller examples:


27 juni 2014

My new figurative work

is a matte painting "Gothic & baroque Cathedral Mountains" (link)

27 June 2014

New: fantasy chess game

As a result of the 3D art works with chess games a new page has been added about the game of chess. The rules of the classic chess are shortly described, followed by my own chess game variant with 60 chessmen on a board of 10 to 10 fields. To try out! (link)

world chess game

13 June 2014

My new figurative work

Title is "End Game". Watch it in large resolution from (link)

15 June 2014

New at "Photography of Art In Belgium"

The pages with photos of sculptures at Middelheim park in Antwerp now has four pages: Autumn, Spring, Summer and Exhibitions. Next are two smaller examples with work by Johan Cremer, to visit this Summer. (link)


13 June 2014

My new figurative work

Title is "Struggle between Light and Darkness". Watch it in large resolution from (link)

4 June 2014

My new figurative work

The title is "Elsewhere, Ever". Watch it in large resolution from (link)

3 June 2014

New on Virtual Museum

New works has been added on the pages 41, 44, 45, 52, 55, 57, 58, 60, 62, 64, 65, 66, 67, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74 and 75. New is page 75, where the chapter "Abstract IX" is the continuation of
page 62. A few examples in a smaller resolution:

Daniel Dociu on p 72 (link)


Robert Joyner on p 70 (link)


Janet Rickus on p 73 (link)


Robert Nenza on p 75 (link)

27 May 2014

New in Photography

Photos from Roosendaal: mainly the Art Nouveau shopping centre "De Passage", also interior of the Art Deco church from the monastery of Mariadal in Roosendaal. Photos are placed on the page "South of the Netherlands" where also Breda was shown. New: if one click on most of the vertical shots, a larger version appears. (link)


26 May 2014

New in Photography

Photos from sculptures at Middelheimpark is restored. It has been taken back to three pages: Autumn, Spring and temporary exhibitions. Extraordinary is the chess game by Vic Gentils (link)

25 May 2014

New in Photography

Jens Van Den Bergh now lives and works in Saint Petersburg which fresults in an exceptional new photo report of Saint Petersburg: Winter en Spring of 2014. Extraordinary are the photos of Peterhof, the air photos of Kronstadt taken from a little plane, photos from Victory Day and others. (link)
Four smaller examples:




21 May 2014

New on Virtual Museum

New works added on the pages 41, 44,45, 50, 52, 53, 55, 57, 58, 60, 62, 63, 64, 65, 67, 69 and 72. New are the pages 73 ("Stillife is still alive") and 74 ("Surrealism V"). We now present a few examples in a smaller extension:

Kevin Best on page 73 (link)


Andrey Araneyshev on page 73 (link)


Marc Halingre on page 74 (link)


Michael Saunders on page 58 (link)


Denis Oktyabr on page 65 (link)

7 May 2014

My new figurative work

"Goblet with Elixer of Life" is a matte painting, largely hand painted. Only the goblet is based on a 3D render I made. (link)

4 May 2014

New on Virtual Museum

New works added on the pages 41, 44, 45, 50, 52, 53, 57, 62, 64, 65, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72.
The chapter "Harbours & Boats" is now continued on page 72. (link)
A few examples of wonderful new art works:

Jamshed Jurabaev in the chapter "Harbours & Boats" (link)


Eric Yi Lin in the chapter "Interiors" (link)


Ivan Slavinsky in the chapter "women, Portraits & Symbols VII" (link)

22 April 2014

My new abstract work

From two new series, one with wheels and one with fractal ferns (link).


20 April 2014

New on Virtual Museum

New works on the pages 42, 44, 50, 53, 55, 59, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66.
New pages 69, 70 en 71.
We choose here two funny and very beautiful works by Wolfgang Harms en
Alyona Krutogolova (link).



Three examples (smaller version) revealing how different women are painted: Alexander Dolgikh, Mary Waters and Rimi Yang (link).



19 April 2014

My new abstract work

In the same series of the former two works: "Gates to other Universes". (link)

12 April 2014

New on Virtual Museum

It is pointless to display here all added works with exceptional contemporaray art, let's give some examples.
5 works by Kim Joon, of which three in the chapter "Surrealism IV" (link) and two in the chapter "Where people, plants and animals look different" (link).

Margriet Smulders is photographing flowers in a total different way. She makes half abstract pieces of art looking as paintings with a special and fine texture. (link)

Some styles seem to be rooted in elder movements, as in a parallel universe. In this way, the works by Lawrie Dignan, made with pen and ink, look a forced pointillism (link). James Cobb resembles a digital Miro, in two chapters: "Surrealism IV" (link) and "Symmetrical art III"(link).


The city views by Alejandro Quincoces are painted in a texture witch emphasises the chaos of our contemporary metropoles (link).

7 April 2014

My new abstract work

Back to the abstract art. A wonderful solid made with the Sculpture Generator was brought to via Incendia by means of Meshlab, and rendered. In Photoshop this render was processed in several ways, including the Mehdi plugin, in combination with work I made in Apophysis.
Watch this work in large resolution: link.


1 April 2014

My new work

I made this work around the Summer last year, but left it unfinished. I looked at it again and find out little work was needed to finish it. So I did. Completely painted free hand on the tablet. (link)
Smaller version:

28 March 2014

My new work

Is called "I am the living temple, welcome into myself", a combination of digital painting and matte painting. (link)

27 March 2014

New on Virtual Museum

Virtual Museum now counts 68 pages because some pages did become too crowded. Surrealism has now filled page 51 but even has 16 works added on the new page 63 (link). Two examples: Michael Whelan and the very funny Freddo Sacaro.


"Shorely, from endless seas to ponds II" now has a continuation on page 64, "Trees III" on page 65 and "Towers III" on page 66 (link). As an example a work from Vytautas Laisonas

There are also quite some new works in the chapter "Women, portraits and symbols VI " on page 61 (link). Here (smaller) a work from Arantza Sestayo painted on the tablet, and by Christine Comyn painted on canvas, two very different styles.


Last but not least a very special work by hgjart, one of the added works in "Symmetrical art III" on page 58 (link)

21 March 2014

Photos from the Korean Spring Celebration, in Saint Petersburg on the 15th of March

Several photos have been added to the thirth page of the photos from Korea by Jens Van Den Bergh (link)


19 March 2014

Mandolin Concert from 16 March

As soon as we arrived I was delighted by the place. Several huge magnolias were fully flourishing before the front in wonderful architecture. It was more beautiful then photos can reveal. The more for the art deco interior which I couldn't get decently on the photo. The cooperation was flowing harmonious. The stage was a bit tight to perform the last piece with a mandolin orchestra of 50 musicians. The “Song of Japanese Autumn” has been played several times in the past, but it always moves. I was also happily surprised by the work by Jan Van der Roost, played by the Brasschaat mandolin orchestra. The rhythmical pieces played by the madolin group of Gerda Abts where very strong. The Greek rembetika played by the quartet Markatatou has touched everyone, the voice of Sofia Kakali is extraordinary. This was a concert not to forget soon. And very important: good cooperation radiates warmth.

The photos are on the site (link).


14 March 2014

The best photos from our travel through Gran Canaria

Our best photos of Gran canaria are now at "Photography", three pages. Nature photos, old houses and a cathedral, botanical gardens, mountains and sea... Link to the first page.



11 March 2014

New at Virtual Museum

New works have been added to the pages 45, 50, 51, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61 and 62. A few examples:

Abstract on page 62: Atelier Olchinsky

Women, portraits and symbols on p 61: Andrew Gonzales

Cityscapes p 57: neural k

Music p 55: Michael Lassel

Strange vehicles p 50: Chad Weatherford

Symmetrical art p 58: Anabela Faia

27 February 2014

New work of mine

My new digital painting "Sri Yukteswar's last Vision". Click on the thumbnail on top of the page
"3D art by Johan Framhout".

25 February 2014

New at Virtual Museum

New works were added on the pages 25, 44, 45, 47, 48, 49, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59 and 60. New are the pages 61 and 62, as a result of two overcrowded chapters: women, portraits and symbols from page 49 and abstract from page 47. Some examples of new ashtonishing works:

A work by Graig Mullins op page 45


Guo Hua on page 54


Yun Sangtae on page 58


Simon Goinard on page 53


Maksymilian Novak-Zemplinski on page 44


Kobe Sek Yong Kai on page 62

16 February 2014

New at "History of modern Art": "Painting of the Week"

The page "Painting of the Month" has been extended to "Painting of the Week". From now on four works in a month will be shown. At the bottom is the archive, where one can click on all the thumbnails. The archive is filled for the whole month of February.

Optical Illusion: Self Portrait by Blumenfeld from 1947.

12 februari 2014

Nieuw bij Virtueel Museum

It's impossible to overview all 279 works which has been added to Virtual Museum, so we make a choice.
First a lot of new abstract works on page 47. A revelation are the works made with bee wax, but also the speed photos of spurting paint mixed with oil by Albert Seveso.


Also in "Between figurative and abstract" on page 53 several works have been added, such as the works by David Brewster, rude and very dynamic strokes alternate precise drawing.

Very remarkable are a number of paintings made with utmost precision. The paintings by Serge Marshennikov on page 49 as well as the photorealist works by Richard Estes on page 55 do look as photos, but they are not, they are real paintings! Also extremely precise are the reconstructed plants by Macoto Murayama on page 59.


Also quite extraordinary are the "insects" by Mark Oliver on the pages 25 and 58, constructed with mechanical objects.

Also exceptional digital works are not lacking, such as this work by Daniel Dociu on page 50.


30 January 2014

New concert in March!

This is a work made by J.F. for the next concert by Gerda Abts on the 16th March 2014, a benefit concert for the acquisition of a professional mandolin for students at the Antwerp Music Conservatory. In the Conservatory itself it is forbidden to give benefit concerts, so another location had to be found. Thanks to the Music Academy Wijnegem-Zoersel it became the chapel of the Bethaniënhuis at Sint-Antonius-Zoersel.

The building is worth a visit on its own. Originally build as a new monastery with a psychiatry clinic in 1922 in Art Deco style. It is been renewed ever since. Bought by the municipality it now serves as administrative centre, cultural centre, etc...


The repertory of the concert is extensive and the musicians are numerous; beside Gerda Abts and Pieter Van Tichelen also students of Gerda Abts at the conservatory, and pupils of Gerda Abts and Marte De Leeuw form diverse music Academies. Supplemented with the BMO directed by Marcel De Cauwer. More info on gevoeligesnaar.be on the page calender. Info about the musicians on the page biography.

21 January 2014

My own new work : painting

This time back to the pure handwork, but on the electronic tablet. Title: "A Place to be". Link to the larger version.

20 January 2014

Virtual Museum

The number of pages has been extended to 56 for offering more space to growing chapters. Several new works have been added to the pages 43 to 56. We show a few examples.

François Houtin on page 43 (link)

François Houtin

Anna Dittmann on page 49 (link)

Anna Dittmann

Danny Malboeuf op page 51 (link)

Danny Malboeuf

20 January 2014

History of modern art

As painting for the month of February (link) we have chosen a work by Lawren Harris, a Canadian. Also some other works were added on other pages, thumbnails to click on, in the right column, were there still was some empty space left.

8 January 2014

New works on Virtual Museum

We did discover quite some exceptional artists again. We introduce some of them, a choice of what has been added to Virtual Museum, here in smaller resolution. New works have been added to the pages 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 52 and 53.

Alex Konahin on page 40 (link)

Vytautas Laisonas on page 45 (link)

Anita West on page 48 (link)

jinky1001 on page 49 (link)

Odd Nerdrum on page 52 (link)

Darren Waterston on page 53 (link)

5 januari 2014

Photography: remake of the pages of Estonia and Latvia

Less pages - 4 pages instead of 9 - but the number of pages is more then doubled! And a bit larger too. (link)

  • page 1: Riga and the Art Nouveau houses
  • page 2: Tallinn: an old and well preserved town
  • page 3: Estonia outside Tallinn
  • page 4: with the ferry from the harbour of Tallinn: East of Finland

2 examples of added photos (reduced)


2 January 2014

New in Virtual Museum: page 53

Page 53 has been added to Virtual Museum, with two chapters as theme. The first theme is the continuation of the filled up page 4 "Between figurative and abstract". The second chapter is called "Towers" and is more or less the continuation of page 27, however this time not restricted to digital art, but also oil, acrylic, watercolour etc... (link)

Between figurative and abstract




23 december 2013

New own work: abstract

I made a new abstract work, called "Abstract Winter" and placed it on the site. It is made for our Christmas and Newyear wishes, so to all artists and art lovers we wish you a very happy 2014, with huge creativity, joy, beauty, and above all peace on the whole world! (link)

25 december 2013

Music: concert of 8 December

The concert was a great succes with a very enthousiast audience. Photos from the musicians are on the site gevoeligesnaar on the page photos (link). Underneath the photos are the links to the short films. 

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