Schmiegel, Animated Gyroid (bron)

Digital art, fractal animation by Tangent101, Apo-120604-001 (bron)

Jérémie Brunet, Brilendor Palace Panorama (bron)

David Ope (source)

Emilio Gomariz (same source)

David Ope (source)

Emilio Gomariz (same source)

Paolo Ceric (source)

Vladimir Stankovic (bron)

Aexion, Wood Animation, Animated gif (bron)

Aexion, Hanging Gardens, Animated gif (bron)

Aexion, Fractal Machine, Animated gif (bron)

Aexion, Rotating Gems, Animated gif (bron)

mandalamarcus, The hidden change within (bekijk film)

yombasoft, Mandala HD (bekijk film)

Saquedon, Kalicetras Kalidoce Fractal Kaleidoscope (bekijk film)

capstoned, Mandelbox Explorations (bekijk film)
Brummbaer45, I found this Algorithm and... (bekijk film)

Brummbaer45 , A place to remember (Byzantium, Constantinople, Istanbul) (bekijk film)

Madman01291, Vorticity, a Journey through Fantasy (bekijk film)

ReFanatic, Dreams of Change (bekijk film)

Jérémie Brunet (bib993), Amazing Spiral - 3D fractal trip (bekijk video)

Jérémie Brunet (bib993), Wierd Planet - 3D fractal trip (bekijk video)

Brummbaer, Fractal Multiverse HD (bekijk video)

Brummbaer, Busy, busy, busy (bekijk video)

Brummbaer, Ze Delivery (bekijk video)

socialismusic, Musicians With Guns - Cometa, Mandelbox Version (bekijk video)

verklagekasper, Jelly Trip Experience - 3D Computer Art ,HD, Trippy Video 1 (bekijk video)

xlace, IFS fractal morph and flight (bekijk video)

lucidtv, Zoey Hoops - HD Fractal Video (bekijk video)

lucidtv, Crystal light , sweet visuals, 4k Fractal Video Test (bekijk video)

een Terragen-film: PlanetsideSoftware, The Garden of Eternity (bekijk video)

Niet gemaakt met de computer, maar met vloeistoffen, en gefilmd: Julia Borovaya, Drop II
(bekijk video)
