Alexey Adonin, Contemplation (oil on canvas) (bron)

Alexey Adonin, In your Garden (oil on canvas) (zelfde bron)

Philip Govedare, Project 3 (oil on canvas) (bron)

Philip Govedare, Excavation 6 (oil on canvas) (zelfde bron)

Yuri Yudaev, Resistant 2012 (olie op doek) (bron)

Yuri Yudaev, The new resolute Fish 2012 (bron)

janLtm, Zarodek (olie op doek) (bron)

janLtm, Klika (bron)

Rebecca Moy (bron)

Evgeniy Kislitsin (bron)

Alan Soffer (bron)

Cindy Walton, (bron)

Jennifer Perlmutter (bron)

Reed Danziger, A varying Divergency (Oil, pencil, pigment, shellac on paper on wood) (bron)

Reed Danziger, Continuous Duality of Energies (Oil, pencil, pigment, shellac on paper on wood) (bron)

Francisco Gandarellas (bron)

Bente Hansen (bron)

Judi Jacobs (bron)

Cody Hooper, New Journey (bron)

Cody Hooper, Beneath the Surface (bron)

Wout Werensteijn, Celestial Deluge (hoogglans zijdeglans krijt botenlak neonwit beits op staal) (bron)

Amandine & Romain Torrente, Fall is coming in progress (acryl op doek) (bron)

FarDareisMai, Botany (fractalkunst) (bron)

Fennel Blythe, Untitled IX (inkt, zout en water) (bron)

Fennel Blythe, Untitled I (inkt, zout en water) (bron)

Erica Wildman, Sleepy Paradise (bron)

anuvis (Jason), Corrosive Intellect (bron)

Arvee (liquid glass) (bron)

Art Venti, Sunset in a Portion of our Lives (Predominantly color pencils, water color underlayer, lasceaux finishing spray, on 100% rag paper) (bron)

Art Venti, The Underside of up (zelfde techniek & bron)

Meer abstracte schilderijen op pagina 12 en pagina 36
GrungeTV, Amorphoulux WP (bron)

Daim, Cold Mountain View (bron)

Daim, Coming out (bron)

Serial 2305 (Haze), Desire x-tec black elegance (bron)

GrungeTV, ConstructiChasm (bron)

GrungeTV, Splinter Junkyard (bron)

NEDxfullMOon, Mushbreeze (bron)

Raydianze, In-Trez (bron)

Arne Fjord Rasmussen, Blue Tunnel, alt. version (bron)

bo-dion (Andre), Dragon Breed (bron)

SuicideBySafetyPin, Never Tired (bron)

GypsyH, Encased Marbles (bron)

Schmiegel, Sopa Eater Fractal (bron)

bo-dion, Cube Infinite (bron)

FarDareisMai, Avere (bron)

AkuraPare, New Dawn (fractalkunst) (bron)

Tatyana Zabanova, Night Magic (fractalkunst) (bron)

Vervolg van deze rubriek op pagina 36