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Photos of Alsace 2012 - part 5

Colmar en Eguisheim


Centre of the centre




Wonderful crooked architecture creates an illusory effect


Each church has his stork, also the Saint Matthew church


The Saint Martin church at the Place de la Cathédrale, on the top right, a storks nest


...for storks of higher rank


Also on this place the false storks are not lacking


Detail of the Saint Martin church, once a cathedral


The well known 'Petit Vénise'


The house with the thousand faces, front


The house with the thousand faces, detail


Detail of what is called the most beautiful house of Colmar, 11th century. The rest was packed in for restauration.


On a small distance of the famous Belgian city Sint-Niklaas


Entrance of the Unterlinden museum, from which the most important part is closed for extension


The enlightened hare



Eguisheim is a wonderful small old village at the border of Colmar






Castle where pope Leo IX growed up, and the chapel


With storcks


Interior of the chapel


Interior of the chapel

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